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Friends / Quakers

The Religious Society of Friends (now commonly called Quakers) was founded in 1652 by George Fox, a young man from Fenny Drayton who travelled the country seeking truth about religion. In the Lake District he met groups who called themselves Seekers; these were soon gathered into an organisation which eventually spread overseas. There are now Friends' Meetings in many parts of the world.


Friends in the U.K. do not have ordained ministers – they believe in “that of God” within everyone. This leads to their testimony to equality, their other testimonies are to Peace, Simplicity, Truth and Integrity and (most recent) Sustainability. Elders are appointed to guide the spiritual life, Overseers are appointed for pastoral care.


Meeting Houses are mainly simple buildings, chairs are arranged in a square or circle. On the central table will be some Bibles and our Quaker Faith and Practice. Quakers wait in expectant silence; there is no pre-arranged programme. Most groups meet on a Sunday but Quakers do not mark special days – every day is equally God's day. 

BCoF c/o Wixamtree,  Sand Lane, Northhill, Bedfordshire, SG18 9AD, England, United Kingdom

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