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“Celebrating our common ground

and cherishing the diversity of our beliefs”​

Bedford is colourful project

We’re an inclusive community and believe that our diversity should be cherished.


The petals in our new logo represent exactly that. We are all different but we’re made of the same shape
and have the same origins and together we can create something beautiful.


Take part in our 'Bedford is colourful project' and show the diversity of the Bedford community.




Step 1: Create your own beautiful petal – colour it in, write your favourite poem on it, and get crafty.






Step 2: Find a few friends and together create your version of the Bedford Council of Faiths logo.






Step 3: Take a picture and post it on Instagram using the hashtag #colourfulbedford.*



*By using the #cololurfulbedford hashtag you acknowledge and give your consent to the BCoF that your photo(s) and your name may be published on  
BCoF's Instagram page and on the BCoF website.

> If you haven’t got your petal yet, you can download it here.

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